National Advisory Board (NAB)

The National Advisory Board (NAB) is an advisory group to the National Steering Board (NSB). The NAB is not an executive decision-making body, unless the NSB gives a mandate to the NAB.

In particular, the NAB has the following duties:

  1. Infrastructure Roadmap: Provide advice on health research infrastructure development to the National Steering Board (NSB), the Data Coordination Center (DCC), and the BioMedIT Board, similar as the ELSI advisory group does for ethical aspects of the initiative;
  2. National SPHN Landscape: Coordinate, examine and address issues related to health research infrastructures and their operations. Contribute to national efforts of harmonization of research infrastructures. Identify and report issues to the NSB, DCC and/or to the BioMedIT Board;
  3. Gap Analysis: Identify gaps and areas with need for action in close collaboration with the SPHN Driver projects, infrastructure providers, and working groups of the DCC;
  4. Mandated SPHN Working Groups: Formulate mandates for solving those issues by bespoke expert working groups. Monitor the establishment, progress and timely elaboration of the mandate deliveries of the working groups;
  5. Genomics network in Switzerland: Based on the input from the previous Genomics Task Force and the SPHN International Advisory Board, formulate a concept for a genomics network in Switzerland, including a vision for a national genomic strategy, a framework for the generation and governance of genomic data, and a roadmap for the creation of a national genomic infrastructure that helps to bring genomic medicine in Switzerland to the ready-to-implement status;
  6. International Benchmark: Contextualize SPHN efforts within the international landscape. Evaluate new technologies, standards, and processes resulting out of SPHN projects or international efforts and make recommendations regarding their endorsement and implementation in the SPHN ecosystem.

The NAB can leverage the expertise from scientific experts (Expert Pool) with in-depth knowledge of the field of personalized health such as the members of the Working Groups, the Tasks Forces, and the former Scientific Expert Board.


Prof. Alexander Leichtle

ICT architecture and interoperability;
Health data management, life cycle, interoperability, bioinformatics.

Prof. Christian Lovis

Patient, hospital, and citizen implications;
ICT architecture and interoperability;
Health data management, life cycle, interoperability, bioinformatics.

Prof. Jacques Fellay

Precision Medicine, clinical genomics, infectious diseases.

Prof. Antoine Geissbühler

Clinical research, health informatics, e-health, digital transformation and innovation.

Dr. Bram Stieltjes

Patient, hospital, and citizen implications;
ICT architecture and interoperability;
Health data management, life cycle, interoperability, bioinformatics.

Dr. François Curtin

Analytical technologies (e.g. *omics platforms).

Dr. Marija Buljan

Multi-omics for innovations in healthcare materials, genomics, proteomics and bioinformatics.

Ex officio members

Prof. Beatrice Beck Schimmer

Vice-chairperson of the National Steering Board

Dr. Thomas Geiger

Managing Director SPHN

Dr. Sarah Vermij

Scientific Coordinator SPHN
Sabine B&W

Dr. sc. ETH Sabine Österle

Team Lead Data Interoperability
Personalized Health Informatics Group
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