Hospital IT | Hospital IT Strategy doc | hospital-it |
IT Security | SPHN Information Security Policy | it-security |
Data interoperability | L4CHLAB white paper | data-interoperability |
Frameworks | SPHN Ethical Framework | frameworks |
Frameworks | SPHN Glossary | frameworks |
Guidelines and Templates | Factsheet on the DTUA (version: 3.04.2019) | guidelines-and-templates |
Background Documents | ELSIag Mandate (Version: 09.09.2016) | background-documents |
Background Documents | IAB Mandate (Version: 01.03.2017) | background-documents |
Position Paper | SDSC Collaboration (position paper) | position-paper |
Position Paper | SAMS Position Paper Personalized Medicine 2012 | position-paper |
Fact-Sheets | SPHN Factsheet 2019 | fact-sheets |
Fact-Sheets | SPHN Flyer 2018 | fact-sheets |
Events | Program SPHN Review Meeting 2019 | events |
Events | Presentations SPHN Review Meeting 2019: Opening | events |
Guidelines and Templates | Lifetime Management Guidelines (version: 14.11.2022) | guidelines-and-templates |
Guidelines and Templates | Fund Release Form (version: 2022) | guidelines-and-templates |
Guidelines and Templates | Activity Report Template for Infra. Dev. Projects and Driver Projects (version: 07.02.2019) | guidelines-and-templates |
Guidelines and Templates | Activity Report Template for Collaboration Agreements (version: 08.02.2019) | guidelines-and-templates |
Guidelines and Templates | Financial Reporting Guidelines (version: 27.09.2019) | guidelines-and-templates |
Guidelines and Templates | Cost-neutral Extension Request Template (21.01.2019) | guidelines-and-templates |
Guidelines and Templates | Event Sponsorship Application Template (version 2019) | guidelines-and-templates |
Guidelines and Templates | Event Sponsorship Guidelines (vers. 2019) | guidelines-and-templates |
Reports | SPHN Short report 2017 | reports |
Background Documents | SAMS Bulletin on SPHN 01/2016 (DE) | background-documents |
Newsletters | SAMS NL: First call for proposals (16.6.2017) | newsletters |
Newsletters | SAMS NL: SPHN supports 15 projects (24.11.2017) | newsletters |
Newsletters | SAMS NL: A strong signal from the University Hospitals (30.1.2018) | newsletters |
Reports | SPHN Short report 2018 | reports |
Events | Presentations SPHN Review Meeting 2019 – Urs Frey: SPHN after 2 years, where do we stand? | events |
Events | Presentations SPHN Review Meeting – Katrin Crameri: The researcher’s new path to clinical data | events |
Events | Presentations SPHN Review Meeting Effy Vayena: Ethical, Legal and Societal Implications | events |
Events | Program SPHN Public Event 2017 (FR) | events |
Lay summaries | Development of a governance and quality management system for exchange of patient related data for research purposes. (PI: Joerg Willers) | lay-summaries |
Lay summaries | E-General Consent: Development and Implementation of a Nationwide Harmonized Interactive Electronic General Consent. (PI: Christiane Pauli-Magnus) | lay-summaries |
Lay summaries | C3-STuDY: Citizen Centered Consent: Shared, Transparent and Dynamic. (PI: Christian Lovis) | lay-summaries |
Lay summaries | DeID/De-identification of clinical narrative data in French, German and Italian. (PI: Christian Lovis) | lay-summaries |
Lay summaries | Harmonising the collection of health-related data and biospecimens in paediatric hospitals throughout Switzerland. (PI: Claudia Kuehni) | lay-summaries |
Lay summaries | LOINC for Swiss Laboratories (L4CHLAB). (PI: Christian Lovis) | lay-summaries |
Lay summaries | Swiss Variant Interpretation Platform for Oncology (SVIP-O). (PI: Daniel Stekhoven) | lay-summaries |
Lay summaries | NLP-powered mapping of clinical reports onto SNOMED-CT concepts for tumour classification (NLPforTC). (PI: Thomas Fabbro) | lay-summaries |
Lay summaries | SwissGenVar: A platform for clinical grade interpretation of genetic variants to foster personalized health care in Switzerland. (PI: Anita Rauch) | lay-summaries |
Lay summaries | SwissPKcdw: Optimising paediatric dosing regimens based on a clinical data warehouse. (PI: Christoph Berger) | lay-summaries |
Lay summaries | Swiss BioRef: Personalized reference values for precision medicine. (PI: Alexander Leichtle) | lay-summaries |
Lay summaries | MedCo: Enabling the Secure and Privacy-Preselving Exploration of Distributed Clinical and *Omics Cohorts in the SPHN. (PI: Nicolas Rosat (SPHN) & Jean-Pierre Hubeaux (PHRT)) | lay-summaries |
Lay summaries | QA4IQI: Quality Assessment for Interoperable Quantitative CT-Imaging. (PI: Bram Stieltjes (SPHN) & Ender Konukoglu (PHRT)) | lay-summaries |
Lay summaries | Swiss Frailty Network and Repository. (PI: Heike Bischoff-Ferrari) | lay-summaries |
Lay summaries | Population-wide screens of the human immune repertoire: a reverse personalized-medicine approach. (PI: Adriano Aguzzi) | lay-summaries |
Lay summaries | Swiss Personalized Oncology (SPO). (PI: Mohamed Bentires-Alj & Olivier Michielin) | lay-summaries |
Lay summaries | PRECISE: Identification of biomarkers and therapeutic targets in inflammatory disease immunotherapy by high-dimensional single cell analysis and cluster proteomics. (PI: Manfred Claassen (SPHN & PHRT)) | lay-summaries |
Lay summaries | Swiss Molecular Pathology Breakthrough Platform (SOCIBP). (PI: Mark Rubin (SPHN) & Gunnar Rätsch (PHRT)) | lay-summaries |
Lay summaries | Personalized Swiss Sepsis Study: Detection and modelling of sepsis using machine learning to analyse continuous ICU monitoring, laboratory, microbiology, and -omics data for personalized sepsis management (PSSS). (PI: Adrian Egli (SPHN) & Karsten Borgwardt (PHRT)) | lay-summaries |
Lay summaries | SACR: The Swiss Ageing Citizen Reference. (PI: Nicole Probst-Hensch) | lay-summaries |
Lay summaries | CREATE PRIMA: Clinical Research from multi-modality big data sources without proprietary interfaces in a multicenter approach. (PI: Joerg Leuppi) | lay-summaries |
Lay summaries | IMAGINE: Radiomics for comprehensive patient and disease phenotyping in personalized health. (PI: Matthias Guckenberger) | lay-summaries |
Lay summaries | SOIN: Swiss Ophthalmic Imaging Network. (PI: Thomas Wolfensberger) | lay-summaries |
Lay summaries | SHFN: SWISSHEART Failure Network. (PI: Christian Matter (SPHN) & Joachim Buhmann (PHRT)) | lay-summaries |
Background Documents | Call for Candidature – SPHN National Advisory Board | background-documents |
Guidelines and Templates | Lay Summary Template | guidelines-and-templates |
Lay summaries | Call 2017: List of awarded projects | lay-summaries |
Data interoperability | Clinical Data Semantics Interoperability Working Group Strategy | data-interoperability |
Reports | 2019 Review Report International Advisory Board | reports |
Guidelines and Templates | SPHN Call for Proposals 2017 | guidelines-and-templates |
Guidelines and Templates | SPHN Call for Proposals 2018 | guidelines-and-templates |
Guidelines and Templates | Call 2017: Guidelines for Applications (version 12.07.2017) | guidelines-and-templates |
Lay summaries | Call 2018: List of awarded projects | lay-summaries |
Background Documents | Responsible Data Processing in Heath Research | background-documents |
Background Documents | BioMedIT – lowering computational boundaries for researchers (video) | background-documents |
Background Documents | Mandate_Swiss Federated Genomics Network_20191126 | background-documents |
Background Documents | Mandate_Swiss Federated Metabolomics-Proteomics Network_20191126 | background-documents |
Guidelines and Templates | Activity Report Template for Infra. Dev. Projects and Driver Projects (version: 20.02.2020) | guidelines-and-templates |
Guidelines and Templates | Activity Report Template for Collaboration Agreements (version: 20.02.2020) | guidelines-and-templates |
Guidelines and Templates | SPHN Endorsement Logo Design Guidelines | guidelines-and-templates |
Data interoperability | SPHN Dataset Release | data-interoperability |
Frameworks | Reporting Actionable Genetic Findings to Research Participants (version: 29.04.2020) | frameworks |
Background Documents | Mandate_Data Lifecycle Management_20200420 | background-documents |
Background Documents | Mandate_Swiss Cohort and Registry Strategy_20200420 | background-documents |
Background Documents | sett Info-Sheet v3.0 | background-documents |
Data interoperability, Fact-Sheets | Fact sheet Semantic Strategy | data-interoperability fact-sheets |
Reports | SPHN Short report 2019 | reports |
Data interoperability, Fact-Sheets | RDF Fact Sheet | data-interoperability fact-sheets |
Background Documents, Fact-Sheets, Reports, SPHN Review | SPHN Fact-Sheet 2020 | background-documents fact-sheets reports sphn-review |
Guidelines and Templates | Activity Report Template for Infra. Dev. Projects and Driver Projects (version: 21.01.2021) | guidelines-and-templates |
Guidelines and Templates | Project Final Activity Report Template (21.01.2021) | guidelines-and-templates |
Reports | SAMS Reports Series, NSB Report 2016-19 | reports |
Background Documents, Peer-Reviewed | Reporting Genetic Findings to Individual Research Participants: Guidelines from SPHN | background-documents peer-reviewed |
Guidelines and Templates | Activity Report Template for Collaboration Agreements (version: 08.03.2021) | guidelines-and-templates |
Reports | SPHN Short Report 2020 | reports |
Background Documents, Newsletters | Pre-announcement National Data Streams | background-documents newsletters |
Data interoperability | L4CHLAB Documentation | data-interoperability |
Data interoperability | L4CHLAB release 2021.1 | data-interoperability |
Background Documents | Funding Principles (version: 10.05.2021) | background-documents |
Background Documents | Funding Regulations (version: 10.05.2021) | background-documents |
Reports | IAB meeting 2020 – Summary report | reports |
Guidelines and Templates | Template, DTUA + DTPA, Multiple Nodes | guidelines-and-templates |
Guidelines and Templates | Template, Consortium Agreement + DTUA + DTPA Multiple Nodes | guidelines-and-templates |
Guidelines and Templates | Template, DTUA without Processor | guidelines-and-templates |
Guidelines and Templates | Template, Consortium Agreement + DTUA + DTPA Single Node | guidelines-and-templates |
Guidelines and Templates | Template, DTUA + DTPA, Singe Node | guidelines-and-templates |
Guidelines and Templates | Template, Consortium Agreement | guidelines-and-templates |
Background Documents, Reports | BioMedIT Achievements Report, Phase 1 2017-2020 | background-documents reports |
Frameworks | Zusatzprotokoll 2017-2020 | frameworks |
Frameworks | Zusatzprotokoll 2021-2024 | frameworks |
Guidelines and Templates | Recommendations for organizational structures facilitating adherence to the regulatory framework for data sharing in SPHN-funded projects | guidelines-and-templates |
Frameworks, Guidelines and Templates | Guidance on Ethical health data sharing in public-private partnerships | frameworks guidelines-and-templates |
Guidelines and Templates | SPHN Data Management Plan (DMP) Guidelines_V1 | guidelines-and-templates |
Guidelines and Templates | Creating a SWITCH Edu-ID User Guide | guidelines-and-templates |
Funding | BioMedIT Base Package | funding |
Data interoperability, Reports | Progress Report 2022; RDF Roadmap | data-interoperability reports |
Data interoperability | LOINC in Italy presentation 02.02.22 | data-interoperability |
Background Documents | Making Swiss cohort data better findable: 2nd Call for letters of intent | background-documents |
Data interoperability, Frameworks, Guidelines and Templates | Template; Use case evaluation and risk assessment | data-interoperability frameworks guidelines-and-templates |
Reports | SPHN Short Report 2021 | reports |
Data interoperability, Guidelines and Templates | Data de-identification – Recommended phased approach | data-interoperability guidelines-and-templates |
Background Documents, Data interoperability, Fact-Sheets, FQS | SPHN Fact-Sheet 2022 | background-documents data-interoperability fact-sheets fqs |
Data interoperability | SPHN Meta-Data Catalogue | data-interoperability |
Background Documents | Compensation Regulations (29.04.2022) | background-documents |
Background Documents | Rules of Procedure (version: 29.04.2022) | background-documents |
Events | 2nd Joint Personalized Health Day – Abstract booklet | events |
Data interoperability, Fact-Sheets | Fact Sheet Semantic Strategy 2022 | data-interoperability fact-sheets |
Posters | An ethical and legal framework for a responsible sharing and use of health data in multi-center research projects | posters |
Posters | Building an innovative, sustainable and expandable data provider architecture that generates additional value for biomedical research | posters |
Data interoperability, Hospital IT, Posters | Clinical Data Management at the Swiss University Hospitals | data-interoperability hospital-it posters |
Data interoperability, Posters | From clinical routine data to FAIR research data | data-interoperability posters |
IT Security, Posters | BioMedIT: Switzerland’s secure IT network for responsible health data processing | it-security posters |
Guidelines and Templates | Financial Reporting Guidelines (version: 23.08.2022) | guidelines-and-templates |
Funding | SPHN Funding Regulations | funding |
Reports | SPHN Short Report 2022 | reports |
Posters | Making health data FAIR in Switzerland – Biocuration Conference 2023 | posters |
Guidelines and Templates | DTR Process Description | guidelines-and-templates |
IT Security | Privacy Notice | it-security |
Reports | IAB meeting 2022 – Summary report | reports |
Reports | IAB meeting 2023 – Summary report | reports |
Reports | SPHN Short Report 2023 | reports |
Background Documents | SPHN Terms of Service | background-documents |
Background Documents, Reports | Swiss Academies Communications Report; The SPHN Data Coorindation Center (SPHN-DCC) | background-documents reports |
Background Documents, Data interoperability, Lay summaries, Reports | Transnational health care research – carefully connecting the dots towards a European Health Data Space | background-documents data-interoperability lay-summaries reports |
Guidelines and Templates | Registry Regulation Template | guidelines-and-templates |