SPHN DCC Training
To help foster understanding in key aspects of both the SPHN initative and the BioMedIT Project, the SPHN Data Coordination Center organizes webinars and provides training videos. SPHN DCC webinars are free to attend, but are subject to registration. If you would like to receive emails about upcoming SPHN webinars, please complete this form.
Recordings and resources from the webinars can subsequently be found on this page below. Videos can also be found on the SPHN YouTube Channel.
Responsible Use of Health-Related Data for Research
- Responsible Health Data Usage (SWITCH aai or edu-ID required)
- Legal Agreements for using health-related data in multi-center projects
FAIR Health-Related Data for Research
- SPHN Data Ecosystem for FAIR Data
- FAIR principles in practice for health data
- Semantic Standards
- How to create a concept for the SPHN Dataset
- How to fill the SPHN Dataset Template
- Training Primer (RDF and SPARQL)
- FAIRification of external terminologies
- Expanding the SPHN RDF Schema
- RDF Schema and Data Visualization
- Querying Data with SPARQL
- Advanced SPARQL queries and best practices
- How to use Python and R with RDF Data
- Validate Graph Data with SHACL
BioMedIT: Research with Sensitive Data
- SPHN/BioMedIT Data Protection and IT Security (SWITCH aai or edu-ID required)