
To serve as a one-stop-shop for researchers we make sure to keep all SPHN relevant documents archived, tagged and findable for your support.

The filter table below will help you guide through your search queries. Please feel free to contact us if you cannot find a specific document.

Hospital ITHospital IT Strategy dochospital-it
IT SecuritySPHN Information Security Policyit-security
Data interoperabilityL4CHLAB white paperdata-interoperability
FrameworksSPHN Ethical Frameworkframeworks
FrameworksSPHN Glossaryframeworks
Guidelines and TemplatesFactsheet on the DTUA (version: 3.04.2019)guidelines-and-templates
Background DocumentsELSIag Mandate (Version: 09.09.2016)background-documents
Background DocumentsIAB Mandate (Version: 01.03.2017)background-documents
Position PaperSDSC Collaboration (position paper)position-paper
Position PaperSAMS Position Paper Personalized Medicine 2012position-paper
Fact-SheetsSPHN Factsheet 2019fact-sheets
Fact-SheetsSPHN Flyer 2018fact-sheets
EventsProgram SPHN Review Meeting 2019events
EventsPresentations SPHN Review Meeting 2019: Openingevents
Guidelines and TemplatesLifetime Management Guidelines (version: 14.11.2022)guidelines-and-templates
Guidelines and TemplatesFund Release Form (version: 2022)guidelines-and-templates
Guidelines and TemplatesActivity Report Template for Infra. Dev. Projects and Driver Projects (version: 07.02.2019)guidelines-and-templates
Guidelines and TemplatesActivity Report Template for Collaboration Agreements (version: 08.02.2019)guidelines-and-templates
Guidelines and TemplatesFinancial Reporting Guidelines (version: 27.09.2019)guidelines-and-templates
Guidelines and TemplatesCost-neutral Extension Request Template (21.01.2019)guidelines-and-templates
Guidelines and TemplatesEvent Sponsorship Application Template (version 2019)guidelines-and-templates
Guidelines and TemplatesEvent Sponsorship Guidelines (vers. 2019)guidelines-and-templates
ReportsSPHN Short report 2017reports
Background DocumentsSAMS Bulletin on SPHN 01/2016 (DE)background-documents
NewslettersSAMS NL: First call for proposals (16.6.2017)newsletters
NewslettersSAMS NL: SPHN supports 15 projects (24.11.2017)newsletters
NewslettersSAMS NL: A strong signal from the University Hospitals (30.1.2018)newsletters
ReportsSPHN Short report 2018reports
EventsPresentations SPHN Review Meeting 2019 – Urs Frey: SPHN after 2 years, where do we stand?events
EventsPresentations SPHN Review Meeting – Katrin Crameri: The researcher’s new path to clinical dataevents
EventsPresentations SPHN Review Meeting Effy Vayena: Ethical, Legal and Societal Implicationsevents
EventsProgram SPHN Public Event 2017 (FR)events
Lay summariesDevelopment of a governance and quality management system for exchange of patient related data for research purposes. (PI: Joerg Willers)lay-summaries
Lay summariesE-General Consent: Development and Implementation of a Nationwide Harmonized Interactive Electronic General Consent. (PI: Christiane Pauli-Magnus)lay-summaries
Lay summariesC3-STuDY: Citizen Centered Consent: Shared, Transparent and Dynamic. (PI: Christian Lovis)lay-summaries
Lay summariesDeID/De-identification of clinical narrative data in French, German and Italian. (PI: Christian Lovis)lay-summaries
Lay summariesHarmonising the collection of health-related data and biospecimens in paediatric hospitals throughout Switzerland. (PI: Claudia Kuehni)lay-summaries
Lay summariesLOINC for Swiss Laboratories (L4CHLAB). (PI: Christian Lovis)lay-summaries
Lay summariesSwiss Variant Interpretation Platform for Oncology (SVIP-O). (PI: Daniel Stekhoven)lay-summaries
Lay summariesNLP-powered mapping of clinical reports onto SNOMED-CT concepts for tumour classification (NLPforTC). (PI: Thomas Fabbro)lay-summaries
Lay summariesSwissGenVar: A platform for clinical grade interpretation of genetic variants to foster personalized health care in Switzerland. (PI: Anita Rauch)lay-summaries
Lay summariesSwissPKcdw: Optimising paediatric dosing regimens based on a clinical data warehouse. (PI: Christoph Berger)lay-summaries
Lay summariesSwiss BioRef: Personalized reference values for precision medicine. (PI: Alexander Leichtle)lay-summaries
Lay summariesMedCo: Enabling the Secure and Privacy-Preselving Exploration of Distributed Clinical and *Omics Cohorts in the SPHN. (PI: Nicolas Rosat (SPHN) & Jean-Pierre Hubeaux (PHRT))lay-summaries
Lay summariesQA4IQI: Quality Assessment for Interoperable Quantitative CT-Imaging. (PI: Bram Stieltjes (SPHN) & Ender Konukoglu (PHRT))lay-summaries
Lay summariesSwiss Frailty Network and Repository. (PI: Heike Bischoff-Ferrari)lay-summaries
Lay summariesPopulation-wide screens of the human immune repertoire: a reverse personalized-medicine approach. (PI: Adriano Aguzzi)lay-summaries
Lay summariesSwiss Personalized Oncology (SPO). (PI: Mohamed Bentires-Alj & Olivier Michielin)lay-summaries
Lay summariesPRECISE: Identification of biomarkers and therapeutic targets in inflammatory disease immunotherapy by high-dimensional single cell analysis and cluster proteomics. (PI: Manfred Claassen (SPHN & PHRT))lay-summaries
Lay summariesSwiss Molecular Pathology Breakthrough Platform (SOCIBP). (PI: Mark Rubin (SPHN) & Gunnar Rätsch (PHRT))lay-summaries
Lay summariesPersonalized Swiss Sepsis Study: Detection and modelling of sepsis using machine learning to analyse continuous ICU monitoring, laboratory, microbiology, and -omics data for personalized sepsis management (PSSS). (PI: Adrian Egli (SPHN) & Karsten Borgwardt (PHRT))lay-summaries
Lay summariesSACR: The Swiss Ageing Citizen Reference. (PI: Nicole Probst-Hensch)lay-summaries
Lay summariesCREATE PRIMA: Clinical Research from multi-modality big data sources without proprietary interfaces in a multicenter approach. (PI: Joerg Leuppi)lay-summaries
Lay summariesIMAGINE: Radiomics for comprehensive patient and disease phenotyping in personalized health. (PI: Matthias Guckenberger)lay-summaries
Lay summariesSOIN: Swiss Ophthalmic Imaging Network. (PI: Thomas Wolfensberger)lay-summaries
Lay summariesSHFN: SWISSHEART Failure Network. (PI: Christian Matter (SPHN) & Joachim Buhmann (PHRT))lay-summaries
Background DocumentsCall for Candidature – SPHN National Advisory Boardbackground-documents
Guidelines and TemplatesLay Summary Templateguidelines-and-templates
Lay summariesCall 2017: List of awarded projectslay-summaries
Data interoperabilityClinical Data Semantics Interoperability Working Group Strategydata-interoperability
Reports2019 Review Report International Advisory Boardreports
Guidelines and TemplatesSPHN Call for Proposals 2017guidelines-and-templates
Guidelines and TemplatesSPHN Call for Proposals 2018guidelines-and-templates
Guidelines and TemplatesCall 2017: Guidelines for Applications (version 12.07.2017)guidelines-and-templates
Lay summariesCall 2018: List of awarded projectslay-summaries
Background DocumentsResponsible Data Processing in Heath Researchbackground-documents
Background DocumentsBioMedIT – lowering computational boundaries for researchers (video)background-documents
Background DocumentsMandate_Swiss Federated Genomics Network_20191126background-documents
Background DocumentsMandate_Swiss Federated Metabolomics-Proteomics Network_20191126background-documents
Guidelines and TemplatesActivity Report Template for Infra. Dev. Projects and Driver Projects (version: 20.02.2020)guidelines-and-templates
Guidelines and TemplatesActivity Report Template for Collaboration Agreements (version: 20.02.2020)guidelines-and-templates
Guidelines and TemplatesSPHN Endorsement Logo Design Guidelinesguidelines-and-templates
Data interoperabilitySPHN Dataset Releasedata-interoperability
FrameworksReporting Actionable Genetic Findings to Research Participants (version: 29.04.2020)frameworks
Background DocumentsMandate_Data Lifecycle Management_20200420background-documents
Background DocumentsMandate_Swiss Cohort and Registry Strategy_20200420background-documents
Background Documentssett Info-Sheet v3.0background-documents
Data interoperability, Fact-SheetsFact sheet Semantic Strategydata-interoperability fact-sheets
ReportsSPHN Short report 2019reports
Data interoperability, Fact-SheetsRDF Fact Sheetdata-interoperability fact-sheets
Background Documents, Fact-Sheets, Reports, SPHN ReviewSPHN Fact-Sheet 2020background-documents fact-sheets reports sphn-review
Guidelines and TemplatesActivity Report Template for Infra. Dev. Projects and Driver Projects (version: 21.01.2021)guidelines-and-templates
Guidelines and TemplatesProject Final Activity Report Template (21.01.2021)guidelines-and-templates
ReportsSAMS Reports Series, NSB Report 2016-19reports
Background Documents, Peer-ReviewedReporting Genetic Findings to Individual Research Participants: Guidelines from SPHNbackground-documents peer-reviewed
Guidelines and TemplatesActivity Report Template for Collaboration Agreements (version: 08.03.2021)guidelines-and-templates
ReportsSPHN Short Report 2020reports
Background Documents, NewslettersPre-announcement National Data Streamsbackground-documents newsletters
Data interoperabilityL4CHLAB Documentationdata-interoperability
Data interoperabilityL4CHLAB release 2021.1data-interoperability
Background DocumentsFunding Principles (version: 10.05.2021)background-documents
Background DocumentsFunding Regulations (version: 10.05.2021)background-documents
ReportsIAB meeting 2020 – Summary reportreports
Guidelines and TemplatesTemplate, DTUA + DTPA, Multiple Nodesguidelines-and-templates
Guidelines and TemplatesTemplate, DTUA without Processorguidelines-and-templates
Guidelines and TemplatesTemplate, Consortium Agreement + DTUA + DTPAguidelines-and-templates
Guidelines and TemplatesTemplate, DTUA + DTPA, Singe Nodeguidelines-and-templates
Guidelines and TemplatesTemplate, Consortium Agreementguidelines-and-templates
Background Documents, ReportsBioMedIT Achievements Report, Phase 1 2017-2020background-documents reports
FrameworksZusatzprotokoll 2017-2020frameworks
FrameworksZusatzprotokoll 2021-2024frameworks
Guidelines and TemplatesRecommendations for organizational structures facilitating adherence to the regulatory framework for data sharing in SPHN-funded projectsguidelines-and-templates
Frameworks, Guidelines and TemplatesGuidance on Ethical health data sharing in public-private partnershipsframeworks guidelines-and-templates
Guidelines and TemplatesSPHN Data Management Plan (DMP) Guidelines_V1guidelines-and-templates
Guidelines and TemplatesCreating a SWITCH Edu-ID User Guideguidelines-and-templates
FundingBioMedIT Base Packagefunding
Data interoperability, ReportsProgress Report 2022; RDF Roadmapdata-interoperability reports
Data interoperabilityLOINC in Italy presentation 02.02.22data-interoperability
Background DocumentsMaking Swiss cohort data better findable: 2nd Call for letters of intentbackground-documents
Data interoperability, Frameworks, Guidelines and TemplatesTemplate; Use case evaluation and risk assessmentdata-interoperability frameworks guidelines-and-templates
ReportsSPHN Short Report 2021reports
Data interoperability, Guidelines and TemplatesData de-identification – Recommended phased approachdata-interoperability guidelines-and-templates
Background Documents, Data interoperability, Fact-Sheets, FQSSPHN Fact-Sheet 2022background-documents data-interoperability fact-sheets fqs
Background DocumentsCompensation Regulations (29.04.2022)background-documents
Background DocumentsRules of Procedure (version: 29.04.2022)background-documents
Events2nd Joint Personalized Health Day – Abstract bookletevents
Data interoperability, Fact-SheetsFact Sheet Semantic Strategy 2022data-interoperability fact-sheets
PostersAn ethical and legal framework for a responsible sharing and use of health data in multi-center research projectsposters
PostersBuilding an innovative, sustainable and expandable data provider architecture that generates additional value for biomedical researchposters
Data interoperability, Hospital IT, PostersClinical Data Management at the Swiss University Hospitalsdata-interoperability hospital-it posters
Data interoperability, PostersFrom clinical routine data to FAIR research datadata-interoperability posters
IT Security, PostersBioMedIT: Switzerland’s secure IT network for responsible health data processingit-security posters
Guidelines and TemplatesFinancial Reporting Guidelines (version: 23.08.2022)guidelines-and-templates
FundingSPHN Funding Regulationsfunding
ReportsSPHN Short Report 2022reports
PostersMaking health data FAIR in Switzerland – Biocuration Conference 2023posters
Guidelines and TemplatesDTR Process Descriptionguidelines-and-templates
IT Privacy Noticeit-security
ReportsIAB meeting 2022 – Summary reportreports
ReportsIAB meeting 2023 – Summary reportreports
ReportsSPHN Short Report 2023reports
Background DocumentsSPHN Terms of Servicebackground-documents
Background Documents, ReportsSwiss Academies Communications Report; The SPHN Data Coorindation Center (SPHN-DCC)background-documents reports
Background Documents, Data interoperability, Lay summaries, ReportsTransnational health care research – carefully connecting the dots towards a European Health Data Spacebackground-documents data-interoperability lay-summaries reports
Guidelines and TemplatesRegistry Regulation Templateguidelines-and-templates
Guidelines and TemplatesGuidance on ELSI challenges for the further use of genomic dataguidelines-and-templates
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