
SPHN calls Swiss cohorts to join the international Maelstrom catalogue

28 May 2021 Switzerland has a long tradition of high-quality cohort studies collecting a large variety of health-related data.  In order to exploit their full potential, the further use of these cost-intensive data collections – in accordance with regulatory requirements – must be enabled and promoted.    As an important step in this direction, the …

SPHN calls Swiss cohorts to join the international Maelstrom catalogue Read More »

Save the date: National Data Streams

SPHN and PHRT will launch the long-awaited Call for National Data Streams on 1 June 2021. Stay tuned – all information will be released on the SPHN and PHRT websites on that date. The provisional timeline is as follows: 1 June 2021                    Call launch 21 June 2021, 10-13h   Workshop for all interested applicants 22 August …

Save the date: National Data Streams Read More »

Call for candidatures: Election to become a member of the SPHN National Advisory Board

The National Advisory Board (NAB) is a consulting body of the Swiss Personalized Health Network Initiative (SPHN) with the following mandate: Infrastructure Roadmap: Provide advice on health research infrastructure development to the National Steering Board (NSB), the Data Coordination Center (DCC), and the BioMedIT Board, similar as the ELSI advisory group does for ethical aspects …

Call for candidatures: Election to become a member of the SPHN National Advisory Board Read More »

New Publication: Report from the National Steering Board 2016 – 2019

The report of the National Steering Board, published in the Swiss Academies Reports series, presents the many infrastructures, technologies and methods that SPHN and its partners have developed since the launch of the initiative to enable research with large amounts of sensitive data in a responsible, ethical, secure and legally compliant manner. One of the …

New Publication: Report from the National Steering Board 2016 – 2019 Read More »

SPHN in the BMS – the Future of Medicine is Personalized

SPHN is featured in edition 102(4) of the Bulletin des médecins suisses; “Over the last twenty years, personalized medicine has established itself as a trend of patient-oriented research and will most likely continue to play an increasing role in shaping our healthcare in the future. Thanks to excellent research, innovation and its high-quality healthcare system, …

SPHN in the BMS – the Future of Medicine is Personalized Read More »

SPHN funding period 2021-2024

The Confederation renews the mandate of the Swiss Academies of Medical Sciences (SAMS) and the SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics for a second SPHN funding period for 2021 to 2024. A total budget of 66.9 Mio CHF is foreseen. After the successful establishment of many new infrastructures, technologies and methods enabling researchers and clinicians to …

SPHN funding period 2021-2024 Read More »

Legal agreement templates for collaborative research projects

The contractual architecture for a collaborative use of health-related data depends on the project specifications and responsibilities of the parties involved. The new, modular set of legal agreement templates – elaborated by SIB for SPHN, in collaboration with Swiss data providers and data recipients – build on the SPHN DTUA (version 1.0) developed in 2019, …

Legal agreement templates for collaborative research projects Read More »

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