
Legal agreement templates for collaborative research projects

The contractual architecture for a collaborative use of health-related data depends on the project specifications and responsibilities of the parties involved. The new, modular set of legal agreement templates – elaborated by SIB for SPHN, in collaboration with Swiss data providers and data recipients – build on the SPHN DTUA (version 1.0) developed in 2019, …

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Goodbye and Thank you, Adrien Lawrence

The Swiss Personalized Health Network (SPHN) was launched in 2016 with the aim of facilitating the use and exchange of health data for research. In his role as inaugural Managing Director of SPHN, Adrien Lawrence competently and efficiently set up the Management Office, shaping the initiative’s governance structures and operational framework. He served as an …

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Strengthening the health data-driven ecosystem in Switzerland: academia and pharma industry agree on common foundations to jointly improve technical and semantical data interoperability in Switzerland

When clinical data from different sources are combined for research projects, interoperability is key: the meaning of data has to be interpretable for humans and machines, and the exchange format has to be able to carry the meaning of data. Together with industry partners, the Swiss Personalized Health Network (SPHN), Interpharma and the Handelskammer beider …

Strengthening the health data-driven ecosystem in Switzerland: academia and pharma industry agree on common foundations to jointly improve technical and semantical data interoperability in Switzerland Read More »

Reporting actionable genetic findings to research participants

The ELSI Advisory Group has developed guidance for ‘Reporting Actionable Genetic Findings to Research Participants’. The document contains recommendations that suggest mechanisms to support an ethically responsible handling of research findings that have potential medical relevance for individual research participants involved in SPHN-funded studies. They suggest harmonized procedures to enhance the public accountability of decisions …

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No more time for quick wins

Article by Dr. Katrin Crameri in MIRACUM Journal #3, March 2020 (translation of the original German text) In tomorrow’s digital, learning healthcare system, healthcare and research must go hand in hand. In order to meet this aspiration, current national projects are also striving for international harmonization and interoperability. The efforts are enormous, but there is no …

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New National Advisory Board

Following an overall review of the initiative in 2019, the National Steering Board (NSB) of SPHN decided to create a National Advisory Board (NAB) in order to strengthen the infrastructural aspects of the initiative. In February 2020, the NSB elected the following experts as part of the NAB: Prof. Torsten Schwede, Chairperson Prof. Alexander Leichtle …

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SPHN in a nutshell

Between September and December 2019, SPHN reported and illustrated the activities of the last two years. In the SPHN fact-sheet, an overview of the initiative (mandate, governance, stakeholders), of the projects supported by SPHN, as well as of the BioMedIT project is presented. In the Review report (2019), the International Advisory Board (IAB) made an …

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