Hospital IT Strategy Alignment Group
The Hospital IT Strategy Alignment Group (HIT-STAG) was formed at the conclusion of the first funding phase 2017-2020. At this point, it became evident that the aims of SPHN largely overlap with the University Hospitals internal efforts regarding data management and a close alignment of their IT strategies - between each other and with SPHN - is key to reach the common goals and shared benefit.
The HIT-STAG is composed of high-level representatives from the ICT department of each University Hospital, who have influence on IT-strategy priorities and ensure the alignment and implementation in their institution to pragmatically advance the SPHN goals.
In particular, the HIT-STAG has the following duties:
- Advise the NSB and unimedsuisse subgroup on a roadmap with realistic goals, measures, milestones and deliverables for Hospital IT infrastructures for the Collaboration Agreements 2021-2024;
- Align priorities of IT projects between UHs, considering feasibility and resources;
- Monitor the implementation of agreed standards and infrastructures within UHs, based on qualitative and quantitative indicators.
Moreover, the HIT-STAG oversees and provides strategic advice to the activities of other Working Groups and Task Forces supporting SPHN from the hospital side, and is responsible for the approval of new SPHN Dataset releases in the realm of the SPHN Interoperability Framework.
Solange Zoergiebel
Andreas von Ballmoos
Marc Daverat
Patrick Hirschi
Bram Stieltjes
Ex officio members
Dr. Thomas Geiger
Permanent guests
- Dr. Dominique Furrer (Product Line Manager Lehre und Forschung, Insel Data Science Center, Insel)
- Dr. Michael Weisskopf (Head of Directorate Research and Education IT, USZ)
- Dr. Sabine Oesterle (ex officio, Lead FAIR Data Team, PHI Group, SIB)
- Dr. Sarah Vermij (ex officio, Scientific Coordinator SPHN)
- Christine Remund (ex officio, Project administration specialist SPHN)