
BioMedIT project management: a warm welcome to Martin Fox

In December, Martin Fox has joined our team as a BioMedIT Project Manager. He will be working very closely with the experienced and knowledgeable IT and security specialists involved in BioMedIT, defining and managing implementation milestones within each project workstream, as well as monitoring the progress to ensure that the milestones are achieved.

First SPHN training on Data Privacy and IT Security

ETH Zürich: Heinz Stockinger (SIB) and Diana Coman Schmid (SIS) presented the first SPHN training course on Data Privacy and IT Security. Mandated and supported by the SPHN Data Coordination Centre (DCC), this training elaborates on what should be done in practice to protect the patient privacy when performing biomedical research.

Policy addressing Information Security for the SPHN

Today we publish the policy, which clarifies the roles and responsibilities of various parties relative to Information Security and defines the technical and organisational measures necessary to operate IT infrastructures that support SPHN projects. Everyone involved in SPHN projects that use confidential personal data on one of the BioMedIT Nodes needs to adhere to this policy.

Collaboration with the Swiss Data Science Centre

The SIB and the SDSC are teaming up on developing software platforms, services and best practices for privacy-conscious data-driven science in the context of SPHN. In one of our BioMedIT Interoperability working group’s projects, the joint team will assess the domain-specific requirements for personalized health research in Switzerland.

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