
The Swiss Personalized Health Network is managed by the Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences (SAMS). In collaboration with SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics, SAMS operates the Data Coordination Center (DCC), the central hub of SPHN. Our teams are based in Bern and Basel.

Swiss Personalized Health Network
Haus der Akademien
Laupenstrasse 7
CH-3001 Bern
+41 (0)31 306 92 95

Personalized Health Informatics Group
Elisabethenstrasse 43
CH-4051 Basel

Dr. Thomas Geiger

Managing Director
Thomas supports the NSB President in his functions and is responsible for the day-to-day management and good governance of the SPHN initiative.

Dr. Davide Chiarugi

Technical Director
Davide oversees SPHN's technical implementation, bringing in extensive expertise in data management and multistakeholder coordination.

Owen Appleton

Senior IT Services Manager
Owen’s experience in Service Management for research supports the professional delivery of services to the SPHN community.

Dr. Jan Armida

Scientific Coordinator
FAIR Data Team | SIB PHI
Jan brings all his passion and expertise to the SPHN task forces to advance FAIRifcation of health-related data.

Dr. Michaela Egli

Project Manager, Ethical, Legal, Social Implications | SPHN MO
Michaela supports ELSI issues in SPHN by bringing in her expertise in philosophy of medicine and science.

Patricia Fernández Pinilla

Technical Coordinator
BioMedIT Team | SIB PHI
Patricia brings in her technical background to help coordinate and support activities in the BioMedIT project.
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Regan Geissmann

Administrative Assistant
Regan brings her expertise in organization and office management to support the administrative efficiency and operational goals of the team.

Sergio Guarino

Technical Coordinator
BioMedIT Team | SIB PHI
Sergio brings his ICT and security background to help coordinate and support activities in the BioMedIT project.

Simone Guzzi

Full Stack Software Developer
BioMedIT Team | SIB PHI
Simone brings his passion and knowledge in software development to the BioMedIT Interoperability Working Group, evolving and expanding BioMedIT project's services.

Shubham Kapoor

Lead BioMedIT Research IT Services & BioMedIT Team | SIB PHI
Shubham brings in his Cloud, HPC & sensitive data processing expertise to architect BioMedIT’s secure computing environments.

Judit Kiss Blind

Legal Officer, Ethical, Legal, Social Implications | SIB PHI
Judit uses her expertise as a lawyer to support the SPHN network with ethical and legal matters.

Dr. Julia Maurer

Team Lead Ethical, Legal, Social Implications | SIB PHI
Julia uses her experience and expertise using health-related data as a clinical researcher, to support/promote the ethical and legal questions in SPHN and BioMedIT.

Dr. sc. ETH Sabine Österle

Lead Semantic Interoperability Strategy & FAIR Data Team | SIB PHI
Sabine oversees and manages the PHI portfolio and related activities towards achieving the SPHN FAIRIfication goals.

Manuela Paganini

Communications Manager | SPHN MO
Manuela's background is in media, data analysis and design. She distills complex topics into clear, engaging content for the SPHN audience.

Christine Remund

Project administration specialist
Christine uses her accounting and organizational expertise to support the various MO activities and to manage the financial aspects of the initiative.

Dr. Vasundra Touré

Scientific Coordinator
FAIR Data Team | SIB PHI
Vasundra brings her expertise to implement RDF technologies to enhance the FAIRness of health-related data.

Deepak Unni

Scientific Coordinator
FAIR Data Team | SIB PHI
Deepak brings his experience working with semantic web technologies, building knowledge graphs, and implementation of FAIR data principles to augment the semantics and interoperability goals of SPHN.

Dr. Sarah Vermij

Scientific Coordinator
Sarah uses her scientific background and organizational skills to communicate and coordinate operational SPHN activities.

Dr. Harald Witte

Senior Clinical Data Specialist
FAIR Data Team | SIB PHI
Harald brings his expertise in research and clinical data science to advance the SPHN interoperability goals and semantic strategy.

Contributors from SIB Legal funded through SPHN

Mathilde Heusghem, Legal Officer, SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics

Aneta Stern, Legal Officer, SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics

Contributors as permanent consultants

Philip Krauss, FAIR Data Team, Accenture

Roger Mathis, FAIR Data Team, IT-Logix

Christian Ribeaud, BioMedIT Team, Karakun

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