SPHN in the spotlight of the «health terminal» podcast

9 February 2024

Why do we need an initiative that puts efforts in the creation of infrastructures that enable the use of health data, particularly from routine care, for research purposes?

In an interview of the podcast series "health terminal", Dr. Thomas Geiger, Managing Director of the Swiss Personalised Health Network (SPHN) initiative, and Dr. Katrin Crameri, Director of the SPHN Data Coordination Center, explain why it is such a major challenge to make health data available and usable for research, how Switzerland compares internationally in terms of data processing for research, what SPHN has achieved so far - and what still needs to be done.

Further, they discuss why in Switzerland it is sometimes difficult to establish sustainable research infrastructures of national importance, and to find a supporting alliances and long-term funding.

Listen to the interview (in German)

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