FOPH research concept “Health 2025-2028”


The research concept Health defines the Confederation's research activities and priodities in the filed of health for the years 2025-28.

The use of routine healthcare data for data-driven medical research is becoming increasingly important. This data is particularly crucial for discovering new correlations between the biological characteristics of patients and their health or disease status. Similarily, data from routine care is increasingly used in clinical studies to support medical decision-making in "real-world" situations.

The FOPH's new health research concept describes the role of the Swiss Personalised Health Network (SPHN) in health research in layman's terms.

The work carried out by SPHN to date is to be incorporated into the overarching programme for digital transformation in healthcare (DigiSanté) under the leadership of the FOPH and FSO. SPHN is happy to share its experience and expertise and to make the infrastructures and processes it has created accessible to an even broader network.

In view of the increasingly data-driven approaches in medicine, it is essential to apply the same standards to research and care. This unification is essential if we want to achieve an efficient and learning healthcare system, but also requires the corresponding political will.

The complete research concept Health 2025-2028 is available here (in German):

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