Nexus 2024

Workshop "Unlocking the full potential of health data for research: A hands-on exploration of a tool stack for FAIR knowledge graphs"

The Personalized Health Technologies 2024 conference will once more bring together experts from a variety of disciplines to explore present and future directions in the field of personalized health technologies.

The workshop held by the SPHN Semantic Interoperability Strategy & FAIR Data Team provides a step-by-step illustration of the Knowledge Graph (KG) generation process, covering the entire journey from schema design to data generation and analysis. Participants will acquire an understanding of the semantic tools and guiding principles developed within the Swiss Personalized Health Network. These tools can be effectively utilized to generate KG according to W3C and are fully aligned with FAIR.

Specifically, the workshop includes interactive demo sessions that guide participants through the design and technical implementation of a data schema using the Resource Description Format (RDF). The SPHN RDF Schema serves as a foundation for designing individual RDF schemas. Leveraging the SPHN Schema Forge, even participants without prior knowledge of the semantic web can proficiently create semantic artifacts such as schemas, incorporating SHACLs for quality control and SPARQL queries for statistical analysis.

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