SPHN Webinar: Learning from our neighbors: GHGA – a secure national omics data infrastructure resource for Germany


Prof. Dr. Oliver Kohlbacher EKUT, Director GHGA and Prof. Dr. Oliver Stegle, DKFZ/EMBL, Director GHGA.

About this Webinar:

Collecting genomic data from patients is a key technology in biomedical research. Increasingly, this type of data is also generated in healthcare diagnostics and in the context of personalized therapies. Extensively characterized data sets are currently created at a growing number of research facilities across Germany. Integration of these local data sets is essential for their optimal use.
To balance on the one side data protection and the sharing of this valuable data resources on the other, GHGA (German Human Genome-Phenome Archive) is building a national infrastructure for FAIR human genome data. This allows highly sensitive genome data to be merged, saved and analyzed in a uniform, data protection-compliant framework.

GHGA is tightly embedded and connected to other national and international infrastructures and initiatives and operated as a German national node of the federated European Genome-Phenome Archive (EGA).

In the SPHN webinar, Oliver Stegle and Oliver Kohlbacher will explain the structure and current status of the GHGA, present the national and international anchoring, discuss challenges and hurdles, and give an outlook on the planned GHGA goals and milestones. They will also present how GHGA meets the research community's needs for efficient, user-friendly, large-scale data analysis and validation of research results, and address the success factors for creating such a harmonized, interoperable infrastructure.


Date: Friday 25 November 2022

Time: 11:00-12:00

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