SPHN Webinar: SPHN Semantic Interoperability Framework and Toolstack

SPHN Semantic Tools and Serices - August 2023

In today's diverse healthcare landscape, the collection, integration and use of information available with health data pose significant challenges,often leading to the creation of use-case-specific, ad hoc databases and data models. The Swiss Personalized Health Network (SPHN) strives to address these challenges by providing a robust semantic framework that fosters interoperability of health-related data across fragmented Swiss healthcare systems, leveraging existing standards and building a comprehensive knowledge graph. 

Join us for two informative webinars on the topic of: 

SPHN Semantic Interoperability Framework and Toolstack - August 23rd 2023

In this webinar, we will explore the latest developments in the SPHN Semantic Interoperability Framework and SPHN Toolstack (SPHN Schema Forge, SPHN Connector and DCC Terminology server) for using Semantic Web technologies and Knowledge Graphs. We will delve into the SPHN Schema Forge, a powerful webservice that supports the design of RDF graph schemas, quality control through SHACLs, statistical analysis via SPARQL queries, and schema visualization for a human-readable documentation.  

Delivered by: Dr. Sabine Österle, Personalized Health Informatic Group, SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics  
Date: 23 August 2023

SPHN Connector - August 30th 2023 

The second webinar will provide a deep look into the SPHN Connector, a valuable tool designed to streamline the creation of SPHN-compliant graph data. By seamlessly integrating relational, semantically described data from data-providing institutions, the SPHN Connector enables to generate data according to an SPHN-compliant project specific schema effortlessly. Additionally, the tool incorporates data validation and de-identification functionalities, ensuring data privacy and validity. 

Delivered by: Katie Kalt, University hospital Zurich and Philip Krauss, Trivadis part of Accenture 
Date: 30 August 2023 
Time: 11:00-12:00  
Venue: Online 

These webinars present a unique opportunity to learn about the SPHN advancements in healthcare research towards data interoperability. By leveraging the SPHN Toolstack, researchers can harness the power of Semantic Web technologies and Knowledge Graphs to unlock new insights and drive innovation in healthcare research. 

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