SPHN Funded Projects

SPHN contributes to the development, implementation and validation of a coordinated data infrastructure in order to make health-relevant data interoperable and shareable in Switzerland for research.

Rather than building a new centralized database, SPHN adopts a decentralized approach and aims to establish interoperability of health-related information by building a dynamic scalable network of data providers based on common standards for formats, semantics, governance, and exchange mechanisms.

Lay summariesDevelopment of a governance and quality management system for exchange of patient related data for research purposes. (PI: Joerg Willers)lay-summaries
Lay summariesE-General Consent: Development and Implementation of a Nationwide Harmonized Interactive Electronic General Consent. (PI: Christiane Pauli-Magnus)lay-summaries
Lay summariesC3-STuDY: Citizen Centered Consent: Shared, Transparent and Dynamic. (PI: Christian Lovis)lay-summaries
Lay summariesDeID/De-identification of clinical narrative data in French, German and Italian. (PI: Christian Lovis)lay-summaries
Lay summariesHarmonising the collection of health-related data and biospecimens in paediatric hospitals throughout Switzerland. (PI: Claudia Kuehni)lay-summaries
Lay summariesLOINC for Swiss Laboratories (L4CHLAB). (PI: Christian Lovis)lay-summaries
Lay summariesSwiss Variant Interpretation Platform for Oncology (SVIP-O). (PI: Daniel Stekhoven)lay-summaries
Lay summariesNLP-powered mapping of clinical reports onto SNOMED-CT concepts for tumour classification (NLPforTC). (PI: Thomas Fabbro)lay-summaries
Lay summariesSwissGenVar: A platform for clinical grade interpretation of genetic variants to foster personalized health care in Switzerland. (PI: Anita Rauch)lay-summaries
Lay summariesSwissPKcdw: Optimising paediatric dosing regimens based on a clinical data warehouse. (PI: Christoph Berger)lay-summaries
Lay summariesSwiss BioRef: Personalized reference values for precision medicine. (PI: Alexander Leichtle)lay-summaries
Lay summariesMedCo: Enabling the Secure and Privacy-Preselving Exploration of Distributed Clinical and *Omics Cohorts in the SPHN. (PI: Nicolas Rosat (SPHN) & Jean-Pierre Hubeaux (PHRT))lay-summaries
Lay summariesQA4IQI: Quality Assessment for Interoperable Quantitative CT-Imaging. (PI: Bram Stieltjes (SPHN) & Ender Konukoglu (PHRT))lay-summaries
Lay summariesSwiss Frailty Network and Repository. (PI: Heike Bischoff-Ferrari)lay-summaries
Lay summariesPopulation-wide screens of the human immune repertoire: a reverse personalized-medicine approach. (PI: Adriano Aguzzi)lay-summaries
Lay summariesSwiss Personalized Oncology (SPO). (PI: Mohamed Bentires-Alj & Olivier Michielin)lay-summaries
Lay summariesPRECISE: Identification of biomarkers and therapeutic targets in inflammatory disease immunotherapy by high-dimensional single cell analysis and cluster proteomics. (PI: Manfred Claassen (SPHN & PHRT))lay-summaries
Lay summariesSwiss Molecular Pathology Breakthrough Platform (SOCIBP). (PI: Mark Rubin (SPHN) & Gunnar Rätsch (PHRT))lay-summaries
Lay summariesPersonalized Swiss Sepsis Study: Detection and modelling of sepsis using machine learning to analyse continuous ICU monitoring, laboratory, microbiology, and -omics data for personalized sepsis management (PSSS). (PI: Adrian Egli (SPHN) & Karsten Borgwardt (PHRT))lay-summaries
Lay summariesSACR: The Swiss Ageing Citizen Reference. (PI: Nicole Probst-Hensch)lay-summaries
Lay summariesCREATE PRIMA: Clinical Research from multi-modality big data sources without proprietary interfaces in a multicenter approach. (PI: Joerg Leuppi)lay-summaries
Lay summariesIMAGINE: Radiomics for comprehensive patient and disease phenotyping in personalized health. (PI: Matthias Guckenberger)lay-summaries
Lay summariesSOIN: Swiss Ophthalmic Imaging Network. (PI: Thomas Wolfensberger)lay-summaries
Lay summariesSHFN: SWISSHEART Failure Network. (PI: Christian Matter (SPHN) & Joachim Buhmann (PHRT))lay-summaries
Guidelines and TemplatesSPHN Endorsement Logo Design Guidelinesguidelines-and-templates
Background DocumentsMaking Swiss cohort data better findable: 2nd Call for letters of intentbackground-documents
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