Why Switzerland needs a Swiss Trusted Research Environment

Research with sensitive data in Switzerland requires a Trusted Research Environment. In our new whitepaper we highlight how BioMedIT balances data access and security, offering insights into collaboration, federation, and trust-building for future-ready research.

Whitepaper BioMedIT

For groundbreaking health research, researchers need a Trusted Research Environment (TRE). It enables them to work with sensitive personal data while ensuring legal compliance, security, and ethical standards.

In the recently released whitepaper, titled Versatile Trusted Research Environments: A Swiss Approach, SPHN shows how its national Trusted Reasearch Environment network BioMedIT provides a national solution for these requirements. BioMedIT offers  the security, computational resources and user orientation needed for complex collaborative projects. It thus can serve as a model versatile and federated Trusted Research Environments.

The BioMedIT network  was developed under the lead of SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics collaboratively with ETH Zurich, University of Basel and University of Lausanne as an integral part of SPHN. In the eight years since it has been launched it has provided researchers with a secure and adaptable platform for processing sensitive data while maintaining trust among all stakeholders.

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